
Potentially the best place to build illumos is on OmniOS. OmniOS is similarly situated in terms of it’s closeness to gate. Pull down OmniOS and install it on whatever virtual or physical platform desired.

OmniOS Download

Once booted into OmniOS, lets install the necessary tools and pull down the illumos-gate repository.

Install Dev Tools

 # pkg update
 # pkg install pkg:/developer/illumos-tools

Clone the illumos-gate Repository

 # mkdir /code
 # cd /code
 # git clone
 # cd illumos-gate

Update or Patch as Needed

This is the time to make patch changes or updates as needed.

Build illumos-gate

 # time ksh93 usr/src/tools/scripts/nightly /opt/onbld/env/omnios-illumos-gate

Create a Boot Environment

 # cd /code/illumos-gate/usr/src
 # /opt/onbld/bin/onu -t nightly -d packages/i386/nightly
 # beadm list #Verify that your nightly BE is set as active
 # reboot

View a Summary and Output of the build

If you will be posting a patch to illumos-gate for review or building for another reason, you will want to see if the changes and build completed successfully. The location of the the logs will be in /code/illumos-gate/log A summary is saved in /code/illumos-gate/log/latest/mail_msg

 # tail -f /code/illumos-gate/log/nightly
 # cat /code/illumos-gate/log/mail_msg


Another part of submitting a patch to illumos is sumbmitting the results of git-pbchk.